Touch Me Am I Not Human Too - Zine
£5.00 - £20.00
All sales profits go towards supporting charities for refugees in the UK.
Compiled by Melanie Wheeler during a research project as part of the Floating Island residency (2015), and produced for her Am I Not Human show in 2016 in order to raise money for UNHCR & Care4Calais. Touch Me Am I Not Human Too is a zine made up of manipulated images and text; sourced from the UK’s mainstream media documentation of the ‘refugee crisis’. Textual content is composed from research essays exploring the lexis applied by five of the most prevalent media outlets in the UK, detailing the most common words and rhetoric used by them. The visual component consists of a reimagining of prevalent broadsheet photography of the crisis throughout 2015.
Melanie Wheeler is a graduate of Fine Art at the University of Manchester. She is a practicing artist currently residing in Whitby.